GREAT Smart Cities Connect Conference 2019
The Greater Bay Area
11-12 Jan 2019 | 9am – 5:20pm
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
The Conference aims at fostering the development of smart cities in the Greater China region, and will explore how emerging technology and human centered city planning would influence the development of infrastructure systems, enhancing cooperative partnerships that are healthy, efficient, innovative, and productive.
The Conference will provide participants with valuable opportunities to explore the latest “smart” applications, technologies and strategies that are already in place to make our cities more connected and sustainable. It will also address the different stages of development of smart cities in the region, allowing for an in-depth mutual understanding, and facilitating future cooperation.

Honorable guests (from left): Dr. Jacob Kam, Managing Director - Operations and Mainland Business of MTR Corporations Ltd.; Dr. Andrew Chan, Chairman of ARUP Group Trusts; Dr. Winnie Tang, Founder and Honorary President of Smart City Consortium; Prof. Sabrina Lin, Vice-President for Institutional Advancement of HKUST; Prof. Hong Lo, Director of GREAT Smart Cities Centre and Head of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of HKUST; Ir Lam Sai-Hung, Permanent Secretary for Development (Works) of the Development Bureau of HKSAR Government; Ir Derrick Leung, Chairman of the Conference Organizing Committee and President of HKUST Civil and Environmental Engineering Alumni Association; Ir Dr. Hon Lo Wai-Kwok, Member of the Legislative Council of HKSAR; Prof. Tim Cheng, Dean of Engineering of HKUST and Prof. Shang-Hsien Hsieh, Chairman of Department of Civil Engineering of National Taiwan University, pose for a group photo at the opening ceremony.