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Faculty Members

Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Internet-of-things (IoT), city sensing, user analytics, mobile computing, location-based technologies and services

Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Structural optimization of tall buildings; computer-aided design and engineering, wind effects on buildings, seismic performance based design, and steel and composite structures

Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Structural health monitoring, damage identification; structural dynamics and measurement, earthquake and wind engineering, photogrammetric applications, signal processing and analysis

Chair Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Sustainable sewage treatment systems, sludge minimization in biotreatment, sewer process modeling, MBR process optimization, low-cost and compact wastewater treatment technology

Chair Professor of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics and of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management

Relevant Expertise
Wellbeing, sustainability and implications on public policy

Chair Professor of Mathematics

Relevant Expertise
Air quality analysis for smart cities development, Atmospheric science and weather prediction

Professor Emeritus of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics

Relevant Expertise
Transportation analytics, Supply chain management, Choice modeling

Chinese Estates Professor of Engineering, Chair Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Hydraulics, water resources and environmental fluid mechanics

Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Energy saving and energy storage systems

Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Shared-mobility, smart transport solutions, risk and behavior in automated driving, big data in transport, demand modelling and choice modelling, network modelling

Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Machine learning and artificial intelligence on smart city data

Chair Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Geophysical data analysis, numerical modeling of the atmosphere, regional and urban air pollution, weather and climate, satellite remote sensing applications, environmental education

Chair Professor of Electronic and Computer Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Wireless Communication Technologies, Big Data Systems and Sensor Networks, Autonomous Vehicles - Sensing and Control

Professor Emeritus of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Environmental Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics, Water Quality Modelling

Assistant Professor of Civl and Environment Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Smart City Economics; Renewable Energy Integration, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Energy/Transportation Nexus

Chair Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Hazardous Waste and Soil Remediation, Water and Wastewater Treatment, and Life Cycle Assessment of Waste Treatment Processes and Construction Materials

Assistant Professor of Environment and Sustainability

Relevant Expertise
Sustainable Urban System, Data for Sustainability, Computational Sustainability

Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Smart city data management and analytics, especially in accelerating these tasks on modern computers

CLP Holdings Professor of Sustainability, Chair Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Geotechnical Engineering, Infrastructure Development and Planning, Green Building and Sustainable Development

Professor Emeritus of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Smart Building Energy-Saving Integration Solutions

Chair Professor of Computer Science and Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Visualizing of data collected from cities such as transportation data, air quality data, social medial data, image data

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Physicochemical processes including disinfection processes, adsorption processes, and redox processes, environmental chemistry and instrumentation

Professor of Electronic and Computer Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Cyber-physical systems security, sensor scheduling, remote state estimation and control

Chair Professor of Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics

Relevant Expertise
Statistical learning, prediction and monitoring methods

Associate Head and Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Geotechnical earthquake engineering and soil dynamics, computational geomechanics, numerical modeling of soil-structure interaction, numerical modeling of geotechnical and hydrogeological systems

Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Innovative wave-based characterizations of geomaterials, Applications of geotechnical internet of things (GeoIoT), Deep Learning, and Big Data Analytics on geotechnical engineering monitoring and predictive maintenance

Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Smart Building
Advanced Building Control
Human-Building Interaction
Low-cost Built Environment Sensing

Professor Emeritus of Physics

Relevant Expertise
Stability of the power grid, green energy, solar and wind

Assistant Professor of Division of Integrative Systems and Design

Relevant Expertise
Building integrated photovoltaics systems, Sustainable architectural design, Light and colour in architecture and cities, Prefabricated construction, Climate responsive design, Carbon-neutral cities, Interactive design

Chair Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Traffic and Transport Dynamics, Road Pricing and Tradable Travel Credit Schemes, Public Transportation, Taxi Industry, Transportation Network Modeling and Optimization

Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Green Infrastructure, Hydrological Modeling, Land-Atmosphere Interaction, Surface Energy Balance, Urban Sustainability, Water resources

Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Energy saving, thermal management, and water harvesting systems

Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Construction Informatics and Automation
Infrastructure Management and Engineering
Occupational safety and health

Professor of Electronic and Computer Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Big data processing acceleration, system design for green computing, IoT security

Chair Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Relevant Expertise
Energy technologies for smart cities development